Wayne Ng
Writer-in-residence at Historic Joy Kogawa House in August 15 to September 30, 2023
Wayne Ng was born in downtown Toronto to Chinese immigrants who fed him a steady diet of bitter melons and kung fu movies. Ng works as a school social worker in Ottawa but lives to write, travel, eat and play, preferably all at the same time. His latest novel, The Family Code, was shortlisted for the 2021 Guernica Prize, which recognizes the best literary fiction novel that pushes boundaries and is cutting edge.
His second novel Letters from Johnny (Guernica) won the 2022 Crime Writers of Canada’s Award of Excellence for Best Crime Novella and was shortlisted for the 2022 Ottawa Book Award. The sequel, Johnny Delivers will be released in 2024. Ng’s first novel was a political thriller wrapped in a philosophical bowtie, Finding The Way: A Novel of Lao Tzu.