Johannes Zits
In residence at Historic Joy Kogawa House from August 15 to September 30, 2022
Since graduating in 1984, Johannes Zits has presented work across Canada and internationally. In 2013, he presented a collection of his videos at FIFA in Montreal and the following year presented the performance “Island” at M:ST Festival, Calgary, as well as venues in Shanghai and Chongqing, China.
His photographic and collage work has been featured in galleries in Vienna, Berlin, Shanghai, Hamburg, Caen, and Mexico City. From 2011 to 2014, he facilitated the Intensive Performance Art Workshop at Artscape Gibraltar Point and started the curatorial project S.P.A.N.E. From 2015 to 2017, he was also a member of the curatorial team Duration and Dialogue.
In 2019, the Copenhagen Contemporary Museum commissioned him to realize a score for their permanent collection. In 2020, Johannes performed a new piece at the International Biennial of Asuncion, Paraguay, and was the artist-in-residence at Western University’s McIntosh Gallery in London, Ontario, presenting the exhibition Listening to Trees.
Latest Blog Postings about Johannes Zits
More September Events at Kogawa House
More events this September: A Gelato a Day travel anthology launch with editor and travel writer Claudia Laroye; Working with Water: Performance by multimedia artist Johannes Zits; Poets Return, our annual poetry reading by local poets; Worth More Growing: Youth Poets Pay Homage to Trees youth anthology launch; and Exit Wounds poetry launch by Tāriq Malik.
September Events at Kogawa House
September Events at Kogawa House: Mark your calendar and join us for a range of events this September: a master class with visual artist Ed Pien, a performance by multimedia artist Johannes Zits, and a poetry reading by local poets.