Jude Neale
Writer-in-residence at Historic Joy Kogawa House in June 2020
Jude Neale is a Canadian poet, vocalist, spoken-word performer, and mentor. She publishes frequently in journals, anthologies, and e-zines. She has been shortlisted, highly commended, and finalist for many international competitions. Jude has written eight books. Her poetry collection, A Quiet Coming of Light: A Poetic Memoir (Leaf Press) was a finalist for the Pat Lowther Memorial Award, a prize in recognition of Canadian female poets.
One of Jude’s poems from her collection, Splendid in Its Silence (SPM Publications), was chosen by Britain’s Poet Laureate to ride with other winners around the Channel Islands on public transit for a year. Jude was a featured reader at the Guernsey International Literary festival. This book was recently a SPM Prize winner and was published in the United Kingdom. Some of these poems can be heard on Jude’s collaborative (viola/spoken word) EP, Places Beyond (available on Bandcamp).
Jude and Bonnie Nish started an online collaboration that led them to write Cantata in Two Voices (Ekstasis Editions) in 50 challenging days.
Jude has two new books, A Blooming and We Sing Ourselves Back (both Ekstasis Editions), also published in 2019.
Her eighth book, Impromptu (Ekstasis Editions), was launched in Spring 2020.
Jude has just returned from a successful collaboration with the renowned composer and viola player, Thomas Beckman, for the world premiere of The St. Roch Suite, with the Prince George Symphony Orchestra.
Jude Neale lives on Bowen Island, BC.
Latest Blog Postings by Jude Neale
Poetry and Music in the Garden
Inspired by contemporary English language haiku, poet Jude Neale explores ordinary objects through both poetry and photography in her new collection, Inside the Pearl. Join us for a book launch and a musical performance on Sunday, September 19 at 4 PM.
Inside the Pearl
Jude Neale will make it her mission to act as an archivist for the family home and with permission by Joy Kogawa herself. Her haiku-like short poems tell intimate stories of Joy Kogawa’s life and house.
Join Us to Welcome Two Out-of-Town Guests
Monday, August 28, 7:30pm — Jean-Pierre Antonio and Box of Memories
Wednesday, August 30, 7:30pm — Jude Neale launches her new poetry collection, Splendid in Its Silence