Makram Ayache
Writer-in-residence at Historic Joy Kogawa House in August 2021
Makram Ayache is a community-engaged writer, actor, director, and producer who splits his time between Edmonton and Toronto. His playwriting explores meaningful representations of queer Arab voices.He often endeavours to bridge complex and interlocking political struggles to the very intimate and real experiences of the people impacted by them.
Ayache is the 2020 recipient of the Playwrights’ Guide of Canada’s annual Tom Hendry Award for his play Harun. He has also been nominated for four Elizabeth Sterling Haynes Awards for his plays Harun (2018) and The Green Line (2019).
In 2020, he was working with several theatre companies including Factory Theatre’s Mechanical Actors’ Enhancement Training, the Citadel Theatre’s RBC Directing Mentorship Program, Punctuate Theatre’s Partizan’s Creators Unit, Prime Mover and The Musical Stage Company’s NoteWorthy Program, and Generator Toronto’s Artist Producer Training Program. He developed his play The Hooves Belonged to the Deer through the Alberta Queer Calendar Project under the directorial leadership of Peter Hinton-Davis and dramaturgs Evan Medd and Hannah Moscovitch.
Currently, he is beginning the foundational work for a large-scale interdisciplinary project that examines the “mythology of Capitalism”.
Visit the author’s website to find out more.
Latest Blog Postings about Makram Ayache
Playwrights in the Garden
Join us Saturday, August 28, for an evening of new literary work from playwrights Marcus Youssef, C. E. Gatchalian, and Makram Ayache.