Poetry Blanked MadLib

Poetry Blanked MadLib

Guest Post by Kevin Spenst No matter how quiet, every good poem has a gregarious underside where it kvetches, confers, and canoodles with a great many other poems. Lifting any solid piece of poetry, we’ll hear other poems and it behooves us as writers who hope to have...
En Parlant Japonais

En Parlant Japonais

When I arrive at the Kogawa House and I press the code to let myself in, words leap out of my mouth to fill the empty house: “Tada ima!” The direct translation of this Japanese expression is: here now. A minimal way of saying: I’m home.

Views to the Interior

Views to the Interior

I can’t believe my good fortune to be doing my first residency at the Joy Kogawa House. I will be living not only in Joy Kogawa’s childhood home, which has provided her and countless Canadians with so much inspiration, but I will also be living blocks away from where my mother lived in the late 1930s.